Self Defense UES : How to choose a karate school ?
Self Defense UES



Self Defense UES : Igor Dyachenko’s knowledge



Self Defense UES :  If you are looking for an activity for yourself or your child, then you should consider karate. Karate develops a healthy body and mind and will spur on the development of your child. So, if karate sparks your interest, then you will want to know how to choose a karate school.


Here are our top tips for choosing the right karate school:


  • First impressions – When you enter the karate school, take a look to see if the facilities are clean and tidy.
  • Learning structure – You check if the karate school has a structured plan or roadmap for learning self-defense.
  • Talk to an instructor – Do the instructors take an interest in why you or your child wants to join. Do they sound professional, are courteous, and are personable?
  • Watch a class – There are quite a few things that you should look for here. First of all, you should see an atmosphere of respect. Also, see if the instructor is in control of the class. You should look to see if the class size isn’t too big. Also, are there more advanced students attending the karate school. This is a good indicator of if they will engage you or your kids over the long term. 
  • Take a trial lesson – Notice if you or your child feel positive, get attention, and feel comfortable learning there. 
  • Talk to parents or other students – Ask about how long they have been going and what it’s like, as well as if they enjoy it.


Overall, trust your instincts when choosing a karate school.


Why Karate City is the best karate school


Igor Dyachenko revolutionizes his school’s approach to learning. From an early age, he took note that children learn differently from adults. Some children learn through theory, while others learn through practice and repetition. There are many other learning styles. Igor ensures that every student gets personal attention. Because of this, they will learn karate and life skills, in the best way possible.


Karate City has cutting-edge facilities and the best instructors in the world. Self Defense UES