Kids Karate Manhattan: How Karate Can Help Children
Kids Karate Manhattan Karate City



Kids Karate Manhattan: Karate City Parent’s Insights



Kids Karate Manhattan : If your child has an attention disorder or has learning difficulties, then you are in a unique and challenging situation. You may feel like it is impossible to find a sport that will develop your child’s mental and physical strength.


Your child may have difficulties participating in team sports because of the physical danger. Maybe your child is not able to follow the rules or doesn’t yet have the needed coordination. This can leave your child feeling isolated and alone.


Choosing karate for your child that has learning difficulties is a superb choice to make. Karate bases itself on repetitive movements that help connect the mind and the body. Karate is hugely beneficial to these children and will help them develop physical and mental life skills.


The physical benefits of karate for children with learning difficulties


  • Technique – In karate, your child will learn techniques that are broken down into small pieces. These little pieces make it easier for your kid to learn, without worrying about the bigger picture. Training starts with simple movements, and we build upon these to learn more complicated techniques. Your child will learn through repetition movement until skills become learned and automatic, as well as fluid. Children will quickly take control of their body by practicing moves such as kicks, blocks, and punches. Teaching your child that learning happens through commitment and continuous effort is beneficial. Your child will soon be able to achieve their life goals through being patient and persistent.


  • Use excess energy – Karate is a healthy way to release excess energy, therefore it’s great if your child is hyperactive. Your child can release their energy and frustrations in a safe environment.


  • Coordination – Karate will help your children connect with their bodies and become aware of their spatial environment. They will learn that the mind has control over the body, which is helpful for children with ADHD.


The mental benefits for children with attention disorders


  • Focus – Karate is about individual growth and doesn’t have the pressure of being in a team or letting down teammates. Your child will enjoy karate training because it doesn’t base itself on competition with other children. Children with attention disorders or learning difficulties can learn at their own pace.


  • Self-control – Self-control is an essential lesson for your child to learn. Karate will encourage your child to keep their focus and attention to learn. Remaining calm and reverting to the basics when your child loses focus, is an excellent skill they will learn. Karate will also teach your child that violence is unacceptable.


  • Realistic goals – With other sports, your kid may feel like they can never win or will never be good enough. Your kids get rewards for their hard work and personal growth, as they travel on a roadmap with many levels. The Karate City roadmap will keep your child motivated, as well as acknowledge their success and build their self-confidence.


  • Good behavior – Karate has clear rules to follow, and instructors will stress that it is essential to follow these. Lessons have a structure and will enforce good-mannered behavior. The dojo is a positive environment and hence encourages respect to other people, students, and authority.


  • Motivational – Karate is very motivational, fun, and unique, as well as being slightly exclusive. Your child will create social bonds and engage with other children. They will also benefit from social integration and begin to feel like they are part of the community.


Kids Karate Manhattan: Why Karate City?


Karate City has experts and specialists in working with children. The child-friendly dojo focuses on the growth of your child. Small classes maximize growth and development, with the option to join family, semi-private, and private sessions. Our highly skilled instructors have extensive experience in working with children with learning difficulties.


If your child has learning difficulties, enroll them at Karate City. Kids Karate Manhattan