Children Martial Arts Midtown East: How fast can my child earn a black belt?



Children Martial Arts Midtown East: Questions and answers at Karate City


Children Martial Arts Midtown East : A karate black belt is something that your child will want to work towards. The black belt is a symbol of dedication, achievement, and hard work, as well as commitment. So, how fast can your child earn a black belt? 


At Karate City, your children will join a program that is structured with a roadmap of milestones. Your youngster will travel along the roadmap as they attend classes. Each class attended, earns your child ten points and as the points build your child will pass different levels.


Progression towards your child’s black belt is also based on individual development. Age, skill level, and classes taken per week, all affect the speed at which your child advances.


How many lessons will my child need to earn a black belt?


Typically, if your child starts karate at the age of 2.5-years, then 600 lessons will earn a black belt. If your child starts karate at the age of 5-years, then 500 lessons will earn a black belt.


The age of your child, their skill level, and the number of classes taken, also affects how quickly they develop.


At Karate city, your child will achieve their black belt after several years of lessons. Children Martial Arts Midtown East