Karate Midtown West : How to treat Sensei in karate ?
Karate Midtown West



Karate Midtown West : Igor Dyachenko’s knowledge



Karate Midtown West : The classes in Karate City are an opportunity for training not only the body but the mind and spirit. Following this principle, we teach the philosophy of the sport. All of our students learn respect and discipline as well as the moves of karate. These rules also apply to how to treat the Sensei.


Sensei and student interactions


Each dojo can have different rules when it comes to the sensei, but you will notice many similarities. As the master and teacher, the sensei will have their own idea about dojo conduct. However, the teachings of karate are the core of most dojos so that you will see similar interactions in many schools.


When your child attends classes at Karate City, you will notice that your child will bow to the Sensei. Sensei loosely translates to the one who has gone before. This means that the instructor has been working and learning karate for longer.


The bow is a sign of respect, gratitude, and humility. The gratitude aspect of the bow is two-fold. Firstly the student shows appreciation for the time the Sensei has given to learning the martial art. Secondly, the bow shows thanks for the time the instructor is now sharing to pass their knowledge on.


Origin and meaning of the word sensei


In martial arts, there are various names for the master or titles for those highly skilled in the sport. One of the most common is the sensei. Made famous by the many movie references to a master, sensei commonly translates to teacher. A direct translation is sen – before and sei – life. When looking further into the meaning of this word composition, it means one who was born before.


Spiritually living before others and someone that knows life.


The word holds status as someone that has the experience, knowledge, and higher understanding. The word became a common title as a relatively new thing. In 1960 the word became a title for masters in Judo, Aikido, and Karate. It only applies to those that reach a high level of learning.


Associations to zen Buddhism, sensei is a person with vast experience in life. This hard work and experience give a sense of being reborn as a result. There are a lot of people that apply the title to themselves, but the moniker is a lengthy pursuit. A true sensei has put in hard work and so has extensive knowledge in martial arts. The term also applies to the correct methods for sharing and transferring their knowledge.


Although not all instructors or karate teachers may be sensei, the term applies as a sign of respect. The word is widely acceptable in a dojo for the person sharing their knowledge.


Conduct in the dojo


When entering the dojo, you are going to receive training and knowledge from the instructor. Because of this, it is essential to conduct yourself appropriately.


  • While in class and at the dojo, your child will:
  • Be respectful to the instructor
  • Listen to instructions
  • Not leave class without permission
  • Treat all other students respectfully
  • Ask questions when appropriate


The traditional sensei/student relationship is one of high reverence and unquestioning trust. These principles are still applicable somewhat. However, in Karate City, we use the most modern techniques to teach the sport. We encourage students to ask questions to help them learn. Although the proper rules of dojo etiquette apply, a curious mind helps to engage the child in learning.


Rules of the dojo


When attending classes, your child will stick to the rules of the dojo. You may think younger kids will find it difficult, but it quickly becomes natural. All of our students learn from each other, as well as the instructor. As those with more experience have a duty to help newer students, the rules become part of the mindset.


Overall, students quickly learn the best way to conduct themselves because everyone in class does it. The teamwork and camaraderie of the dojo help children want to do things the right way. The sensei guides each student on what they need to do and what is acceptable in the dojo.


In the dojo you child will adopt the following rules:


Three bow rule – When coming into the dojo, there is a three bow rule. Firstly, they bow to the school. Then they will bow before stepping onto the training mat. Lastly, they bow to the instructor or anyone with a black belt.


100% effort – In class, we want to put everything on the mat. The instructor is sharing their time, so we must give all of our energy and focus.


Training at Karate City


In our dojo, students will be respectful of each other and the instructors. The rules of the dojo become a natural part of behavior. Repetition and training will instill the values and ethics of karate. We create an environment in our school that encourages learning and teamwork.


The Sensei will guide your child through the many aspects of karate. As they learn, they naturally adopt the right way to approach the instructor. Some movements may seem inconsequential, but everything has meaning in the dojo. As your child learns the meaning behind each action, they become more mindful. Karate Midtown West