After School Program UWS : What are the general belt colors?
After School Program UWS



After School Program UWS : Karate City Parent’s Insights



After School Program UWS : As your child progresses and develops their skills in karate, they will also achieve different belt ranks. The rank is a visual indicator of the level of progress in the sport. Some schools have many belt colors, but there is a standard color range in karate.


Karate belt colors


The conventional belt system usually follows a rank according to color. The method may vary slightly depending on the school, country, and style. There are some differences but the most common karate belt colors are:


  • White
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Black


Each of the colors signifies a different level of understanding in karate. The belt symbolizes the journey of knowledge, first of all with white as a new, pure ray of light. A yellow belt is a ray of sunlight as a result of an open mind to learning. Orange belts show that light increasing while the green is a sign of a new plant springing to life. Moving through the ranks to brown symbolizing a fully grown plant due to an abundance of karate knowledge. The black belt indicates someone that has grown to a superior level in the sport and is, therefore, able to pass this on.


The color ranking system of karate belts can be different depending on the school, and some dojos choose to have nine traditional levels. Other schools may have even more color belts and ranking variations within the belt colors. The belt rank system can be unique to each school and based on the instructor’s philosophies.


Karate City belt colors


At Karate City, we use the Olympic karate belt ranking system. At the beginning of their karate journey, your child will have a roadmap that shows the color ranks and progression. The belts we use are:


  • White
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Black


Each child will go on an individual journey because no two children are the same. There are no set times for achieving different belts. We encourage each child to set goals and subsequently take steps to complete those. We adopt an environment of encouragement and consequently, teamwork. Using these modern teaching methods helps each child to go at their own pace. As a result, this helps them to feel proud of their achievements and, above all, avoid comparison to others. After School Program UWS